Buying or Selling a Home Can Be Confusing...

Buying your new home or selling your old home are both, by nature, somewhat confusing. Most people only make these types of decisions a very few times in an entire lifetime.

I find that the question I get most often is - How do I start?

If you are buying a home, it does no good to look at listings and find exactly what you are looking for, only to find that you are unable to get a loan for the amount needed. And when selling there are a lot of tips of the trade that you can't get just by reading about it online.

I have a step by step plan for those who are considering buying or selling - a way in which you can be sure you are making the right choices in either situation. No sense in being nervous! We can figure it out together.

Please give me a call or drop me an email. I can meet with you and go over every thing from start to finish and make sure that you don't miss any opportunities along the way.

And of course, there is no cost for information. Which is another source of confusion in that real estate agents don't (usually) charge for information. We make our commissions off of the selling price of the home.

We can make it through this together! Let me make it easier on you!

Call me - 479-903-0328 or email